How to get traffic to your website

Envizn labs.
March 4, 2023
5 min
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If you've struggled with driving traffic to your website, you're not alone. According to 2020 research done by Content Marketing Institute, 63% of content professionals are challenged with finding enough staff skilled in content strategy which is one of the top drivers of website traffic.

Between writing a new blog post, posting on social media, and strategizing for a new email campaign, it's hard to look back and see what's driving traffic to your site and what isn't.

The list below will help you increase the traffic to your website, generate more leads, and improve ROI.

1. Optimize your content with keywords

When you optimize your content with keywords relevant to your business, the process is known as search engine optimization (SEO). Many business relationships are formed after someone types a word or phrase into a search engine to find a website. Knowing the search terms people use to discover your website makes it easier to draw in more visitors. Certain terms may be specific to you, such as a brand or product name. Or, they can be attributes or benefits like “all-natural,” “free delivery,” or something else that sets you apart.

In Google Analytics, you can view what terms your website visitors have used to find you in the past and use those keywords to help you optimize your website content. It's also a good idea to look at the terms your competition uses on their websites, in social media, or in emails.

Google Search Console is another free tool you can use to see how often your website appears in search results, which search terms drive the most visitors, and how many people click on your site in search results.

Tips to maximize your SEO efforts

The tips below can help you maximize your SEO efforts:

  • Make your website findable. Ensure your site has thorough descriptions of your offerings and their benefits so that search engines like Google and Bing can surface them. Also, create a descriptive SEO title for your website to allow more people to find you. An SEO title can be added as you build your website.
  • Leverage your website content. Blog posts, articles, audience testimonials, and other content helps improve your search rankings and brings visitors to your website.
  • Optimize your visuals. While search engines are much better at indexing words than visual elements, images and videos can help boost your Google ranking if they’re optimized for mobile devices. If you’re incorporating images to your website, make sure every image includes short alt text describing the picture or graphic to give the search engine a text alternative to interpret.

2. Add an FAQ section

People usually have tons of related questions when researching a topic. While you should strive to answer most of them, sometimes it’s just impossible to weave them naturally into your content.

You can solve this by adding an FAQ section at the end of your article. That can potentially help your content rank for more long-tail keywords and get more search traffic.

The FAQ section in an Ahrefs blog post on H1 tags

The easiest way to find these questions is to Google your target keyword and look for the People Also Ask (PAA) questions that appear.

3. Post regularly on LinkedIn

Our posts on LinkedIn generate a ton of engagement and clicks.

Yes, LinkedIn may not be the sexiest social media platform. But don’t sleep on it. More and more people are rediscovering LinkedIn’s ability to send tons of traffic.

The good news is that you don’t have to create content from scratch. Simply repurpose your existing content, which is what we do.

Even better: repost what you’re already posting on Twitter. It works really well.

4. Send Email Newsletters

Promoting content through email newsletters is an effective way to increase website traffic. Here are a few email marketing best practices:

  • Include enticing information from the content in the subject line and in the body of the email.
  • Insert a link or button that subscribers can click to read more of the content.
  • Make sure emails are mobile-friendly. Links should be easy to see, since 46% of all email opens are done on mobile devices.
  • Employ personalization tactics by including the name of the subscriber.
  • Make the email visually appealing with the use of well-designed templates.
  • Conduct A/B testing to see which versions of emails receive more opens and clicks.

5. Get more backlinks from trusted sources

Backlinks, inbound links, are links on other websites that go back to a specific page on your own site. The more quality backlinks you obtain, the higher you may rank on search engines. This is because backlinks tell search engines how popular your website is among users and raise your website’s authority. Backlinks must come from a reputable site; otherwise, the opposite effect may occur.

Here are a few other reasons why backlinks are important to your business:

  • The higher you rank on search engines, the more visitors your site will attract.
  • Backlinks help establish and build trust among consumers.
  • Backlinks can make people more aware of the existence of your brand.

6. Work with influencers

One of the best things you can do for your business is to start relationships with industry influencers. This can be done in many ways:

  • Introduce them to your business through public relations outreach.
  • Ask for them to comment on a new process, product, or service.
  • Suggest topics that you can write for them under their byline or your own with links to your site.

Many consumers follow certain influencers, so this can help your company gain credibility and convert website visitors into customers.

7. Engage with your community

Engaging with your community, including customers, influencers, other brands, and industry experts, can increase your brand's visibility online. As a result, people may be more inclined to visit your website.

Sharing an influencer's LinkedIn post or replying to a review on Yelp can go a long way in defining your brand. So when it comes to driving website traffic, don't forget to add engagement to your strategy.

Many companies also conduct polls or giveaways to engage with their community online and locally.

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